====== Hole competition ====== For match play, the results can be entered in all variants and transmitted to the intranet, whether as + for "hole won" or "-" for hole lost or as strokes. ===== Explanations ===== In match play, the players play against each other individually (or in pairs in four-hole matches). The result is usually only determined by who won or lost a hole, or whether the hole ended in a draw.\\ In net hole play, there are two variants for the distribution of the handicap strokes:\\ * According to the DGV recommendation since 2016, handicap strokes are better to be given on the holes whose handicap distribution key lies between the playing handicap of the better player and that of the weaker player, as this is fairer. This variant has been the default in Pcc ever since. * Until 2015, in Pcc the difference in the playing handicap of the opponents was given in ascending order according to the handicap distribution, starting with the most difficult hole. If you want this old distribution, deactivate the new default setting: **//[[de:turniere:turnierpraxis:lochwettspiele#einstellung_-_verteilung_der_striche|for distribution to the difference holes]]//**. ===== Net hole play single ===== ==== General tournament settings ==== [[en:turniere:neuanlegenaendernloeschen:neuanlegenaendernloeschen|Create tournaments general]] In the basic settings of the tournament, set the game type to "Singles" and the "Counting method" to "Match play". Very often an HCP factor of 3/4 is used here. Please note your invitation to tender! {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:match.png?direct|}} ==== Setting - distribution of the lines ==== Next to the game shape, click on "Special" to see the settings for the distribution of the default strokes or to change them if necessary. Read more about this below: [[de:turniere:turnierpraxis:lochwettspiele#scorekarte_-_verteilung_der_striche_vor_2016|Distribution of strokes on scorecard]]. {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:differenzloecher.png?direct|}} ==== Start list ==== Create a start list as usual by simply dividing the two players who are to play against each other into a 2-player match. {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:startliste_lochwettspiel1.png?|}} After the handicap adjustment, which you do as usual via the intranet, you will see the difference between the handicaps of the two partners on the current start list (the better player is set to zero, the weaker player receives the difference between the handicaps). {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:startlochwett.png?|}} ==== Scorecard - Distribution of strokes on the hardest holes ==== The standard distribution on the scorecard used to look like this: The weaker player receives 3/4 of the difference between the handicaps of both players; distributed in ascending order over the most difficult holes, starting with handicap 1: {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:loch3score.png?|}} ==== Scorecard - distribution of the difference holes ==== According to the DGV, the handicap strokes are better given on the holes (=difference holes) whose handicap distribution key lies between the course handicap of the better player and that of the weaker player. This is fairer for a hole competition.\\ **//Meaning: As the players are playing against each other, all strokes are removed from the full course handicap that both players would receive with the full handicap (or 3/4). Only the strokes on the so-called "difference holes" remain; the holes on which only the weaker player (with full or 3/4 handicap) would receive additional strokes.//** Example With handicap factor 3/4:\\ First the difference of the full course handicap of the partners is determined, then 3/4 of it is calculated and rounded, then the handicap of the better player with HCP factor 3/4 is checked (in our example this would be handicap 17), therefore the handicap lines on the scorecard start with handicap 18, then 1, 2, 3, and 4. {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:scorekarteloch2.png?|}} ==== Entering results ==== You have several options for entering results, and you can also mix them within a tournament, depending on how the players have filled the scorecards of the hole betting game!\\ You will always see the respective hole competition opponent in the display when you enter the results. === Variant 1 - Total result ==== As soon as only 1 result, e.g. 2up, is entered for gross, the net field fills automatically (which is not needed). In addition, the opponent's result fields are automatically filled analogue with 2down. {{de:turniere:turnierpraxis:matchp1.png?direct|}} === Variant 2 - Hole lost or won ==== Select "Hole results" and enter as follows:\\ * Hole won: + * Hole lost: - * Draw: 0 (zero) * not entered or the game is given as won: given {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:erglochplusminus.png?|}} With this variant, too, the opponent's results are filled analogously, if you have entered a +, the opponent gets a minus on the same hole (only one player can win the hole ;-)).\\. You will also see the opponent's score in the par column and the partner's handicap on the respective hole in the "W" column (if it is shown as a +, the opponent has the shot ahead): {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:gewonnenverlorengegner.png?|}} === Variant 3 - Entering numbers === With this input variant, the opponent's result is also entered. Pcc then determines who has won or lost the hole from the opponents' numbers and scores. If the result of the 2nd player of the opponents is entered, the par of the hole and the result of the opponent are shown in the "Par" column: 4/6 (par4/played6) {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:lochergzahlen.png?|}} === Results player list === Regardless of how mixed the results (above variants) were entered, if you click on the player list, all results are already converted in a standardised way. 4dn&2 means that the player is 4 holes behind the opponent and the last two holes have not been played (no results entered for the last two holes) {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:spielerwahlergebn.png?|}} ==== Result list single hole competition ==== The printed list of results lists the pairs, the winner of the opponents is always printed in bold and is at the top of the list. There is no result for the loser on the list (this is superfluous, if the opponent has won 2up, there is no need to emphasise the analogous losing result of 2down). {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:lochwettlisteeinz.png?|}} ==== Result list team ranking ==== You can also assign teams at any time and print the [[en:turniere:drucken:teamauswertungdrucken|print the team ranking]]. The team ranking is printed below. {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:lochteam.png?direct|}} ===== Annual Matchplay - Tree on the Internet ===== Customers who work with the [[en:online:onlineturnier:onlineturnier|PCCADDIE:://Online Tournament Management]] can put matchplay results online as a tree view (after the PICTURE there are further tips for creating a tree):\\ ==== finished display example ==== {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:baum.png?direct|}} ==== Publication matchplay tree ==== **//The menu item "Matchplay" in the tournament calendar can be activated on request. To do this, please contact PC CADDIE online support support@pccaddie-online.de//** When the results list is published, the tournament will be displayed under "Matchplay". After entering the results, you must update the tournament ONLINE each time (Internet + OK). Please note that the "Matchplay results display" must also be activated under Internet. {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:matchplayergebnis-darstellung.png|}} ==== Create matchplay ==== Create a match with the appropriate number of holes: with 16 players 72 holes for 4 rounds, with 32 players 90 holes for 5 rounds, etc. Set the type of game to SINGLE and the counting method to MATCH PLAY. \\ For the date, enter the start date of the round on which all pairs must have played (just as your players are used to). {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:runde4.png?direct|}} ==== Show 1st round start list online ==== Create a start list with start times in games of 2. This is important so that the BAUM can be created on your homepage.\\ You can also use it to print a scorecard for the players. The players can still arrange to play individually (as is usual in annual match play). \\ {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:lochr1.png?direct|}} If you want to **//display the start list online//** you can do this by transferring the RESULTS LIST (even if still without RESULTS) and then activating the "E" in the tournament administration (must be blue): {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:blau2.png?direct|}} ==== SMS for pairings ===== If you want to send SMS messages to the players about the pairings, be creative. It makes little sense to switch off the information about the (provisional) start time, because at the next hole competition CLUB may play against CLUB and you need the start time in the SMS.\\ If you keep the text short (the example is almost too long, because the names of the two players in the pairing should still be given), it could go like this: {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:smsmatch1.png?direct|}} ==== Enter 1st round results ==== Read under: [[de:turniere:turnierpraxis:lochwettspiele#ergebniseingabe|Enter hole competition results]] \\ Whenever you have entered results, transfer the competition to your homepage so that the tree fills up bit by bit. ==== Start of the following rounds ==== As soon as all the results of the 1st round have been entered, you can use the //**[[en:turniere:spielererfassenstartlisten:spielererfassenstartlisten#sortieren_nach_vorrundenergebnissen_cutten|cut function]] **//to load the matchplay winners from the 1st round into the 2nd round. {{de:wettspiele:turnierpraxis:cutmatchplay.png?direct|}} If you want to create a start list for the 2nd round, simply leave the order of the players as they were loaded, which corresponds to the "tree display". If you no longer wish to create a start list for the subsequent rounds, this is also possible. It is sufficient if you enter the results correctly. The pairs that have to play against each other are determined by the start list of the 1st round and the results entered. For the online display, you must create a start list for each round (then also transfer with Internet + okay). ===== Hole betting game VIERBALL and FOUR ===== The evaluation is not supported for hole competition games with 2 individual results per pair of players! Here you can only print scorecards !!! This applies to the four-ball (and the aggregate). **//The classic foursome, foursome selection drive and capman foursome can be analysed as a hole competition.//**as there is only 1 result for each player pairing! \\ A **//tree representation//** is currently not possible with foursomes (all forms of play) (as of March 2024)