The golf associations provide the course rating values for all golf clubs, which are previously entered in the course data: Load course data from Intranet.
Before you enter new data you can use the button Reset to restore the default settings. The filled fields will be cleared and the tee colors set at the default positions.
Then use the CR data button, enter the club number, press Enter, and you reach the club course selection. You can then print the Rating Table for all the courses (e.g., 18 holes and 9 holes rating)
The course rating data should have been provided by the golf association. If the course data has already been added to PC CADIIE, you can find the values under Settings/Clubs + Courses/new, edit, delete… by searching for your club and clicking Enter course details.
You can also load the CR data from the course details! Click CR data (see screenshot above) and enter the club number. Confirm and select the course.
Or enter all existing course details into the provided boxes of the course rating table (you have to do this manually only in exceptional cases).
The standard positions (reset and fill-in the preset positions) are important if you want to print the
handicap lists including playing handicaps.
The button Enter colour/Special settings (F7) is only needed in exceptional cases. The colors are specified in German or English, depending on the country, and should be left as they are. Please contact our PC CADDIE support if you have any further questions concerning these buttons.
Leave the other fields blank. Start printing the table with Print (F8):