

Cash register - users-key

This menu item is accessed via Setup/Program options/Cash register - users-key. This function allows you to make the necessary settings if you use operator keys at your restaurant checkout instead of manual password entry.

  1. Select user for this key
    Just click on the key you want to edit and then press Select user for this key. This opens the operator selection.

    Select the user and confirm with OK. Note that the operator names need the prefix K and that the operators must use different passwords.
  2. Key reader - general settings

    The points (1) and (2) usually remain unchanged. You must make changes here only if you receive a new type of operator key or the connection to the PC changes. Set the number of keys at (3). Checking (4) means that only the catering operators are shown when selecting the operator in the previously mentioned menu item. Further details can be found under Cash register - user names.
  3. Key codes

    Mark the desired key and select Read code for this key (F7).

    Now insert the appropriate key in the lock or put it on the reader (depending on which system you use). The key code will be read; confirm with OK.
  4. Initialize key reader
    This function is used for initialization and detection of the operator key. It can only be done on the PC to which the key is connected. If you receive an „ERROR“ message during initialization, please check the basic settings again and make sure that the lock is supplied with power and set correctly, and that the selected Com-Port is the correct one. If in doubt please contact our support staff.
en/einstellungen/programmeinstellungen/kassebedienerschluessel.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/01/28 18:10 von emilia
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