

CRM settings

This setting are available once you installed the CRM\DMS module.

Select Setup/Program Options/Reminder and History Settings. The following window opens:

  1. Select Define categories to view predefined settings and adjust them, or to create new categories.
  2. Select Automatic data import to make settings for automatic data import to PC CADDIE, for example an outlook plug-in.
  3. You can import pictures if you use the module Person pictures.

Defined categories

Here you can edit the categories.

  • Click on New to create a new category.
  • Click on Edit to edit a category.

Encrypted entry

Under Options/Basic settings

Select „Define categories“:

Press New:

1. Enter abbreviation

2. Enter description

Tab: Type

3. Type: switch to: encrypted information - you will be asked later to provide a password

4. Groups: Memo

Tab: Standard

1. User: switch to: private

2. Status: switch to: done

You can also assign a color, if needed.

Tab: Follow-up entry

Can be left with blank fields.

Now you can store password-protected messages. Go to the category with „New“: Encrypt and you are asked to enter the password twice. This password then protects the message. ATTENTION: lost and forgotten passwords are really lost and forgotten - password-protected entries cannot be opened without the password, not even by the support team!

Automatic data import

  • You have the following options for installing the Outlook plugin:
  • Option 1: Persons / Reminder window / Options / Basic settings / Automatic data import
  • Option 2: Setup / Program Options / Reminder and History Settings / Automatic data import
  • Option 3: Persons new/change/delete/ Options / Basic settings / Automatic data import
  • The Automatic import is standard and should not be changed. However, you can enter several directories. The folder to PC CADDIE will be created as soon as you click on OK after setting the appropriate path.
  • Here you can select the Displayed programs. The corresponding file types are opened with the selected program.
  • It is nowadays recommended to use the programs included in the scan program. This can be done by your technician, so that the scanned documents are saved into a folder. This folder can then be specified in the tab Import. \\
  • You can configure the settings necessary for the interface to the software package supplied by the company AVM with a FRITZ!Box or a FRITZ!Card under Fax/Phone. Select the database directories for faxes or telephone calls. PC CADDIE is then able to transfer incoming faxes directly from the software FRITZ!Fax or recorded messages from the software FRITZ!Phone directly into the CRM\DMS. \\
en/einstellungen/programmeinstellungen/termineinstellungenpersonenhistorie.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/06/22 12:39 von msp
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