

Check function, Info screen

You have the possibility to open a window for different test functions and for fast data backup. To do this, click Setup/ Check databases, display Information.

The following window opens:

Choose from the following options and click OK.

  1. Intensive data check
  2. Person check
  3. Fast local back-up (You save the current PC CADDIE data in the local PC CADDIE directory).

:!: This window opens every morning as soon as the first person logs into PC CADDIE. Every morning the system proposes the Person check. The Intensive data check is proposed every Tuesday, and the Fast data back-up every Wednesday. Please always accept these suggestions by pressing OK, although they may take some time.

:!: The person check may also be necessary on special situations, for example if birthdays are no longer displayed.

The following information window opens after the checking is successfully completed:

The following statuses are important in the Intranet tab:

to be transferred
transfer still in processing, here is the answer from the DGV
already done
the information has not yet been opened by double-clicking, but this is not absolutely necessary
transmission error, check if necessary
en/einstellungen/prueffunktioninfofenster/prueffunktioninfofenster.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/07/29 13:45 von emilia
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