

Handicap entries

Entries in handicap record sheets can be printed in a list layout via Handicaps/Print…/Handicap Changes. This is how you can print a list of all handicap changes for a specific time period and you also have special selection options whether you only want tournament results or all changes:

If you enter a text, for example, „EDS“, you will get a list with all handicap changes due to an EDS round. Or you enter „Club championship“ and the data of the club championship and you will get list with all changes due to this championship (the current handicaps will be on one list in case of a tournament with several rounds).

Select the desired options and start the printing process with the button Print (F8).

The following is an example of a list with the text option EDS and the group of persons set to „all members“.

en/handicaps/drucken/handicapeintragungen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/08/19 14:48 von emilia
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