


Edit handicap record

You can find the handicap record sheet under Handicap/Edit Handicap Record. With this feature you can edit the handicap record sheet of a member. Furthermore, you have the possibility to display individual handicap record sheets on the screen or print them.

Select the person whose handicap record sheet you want to edit by using the person’s mask and confirm your selection with OK and the handicap record sheet of the selected player will open:

There are two types of handicap record sheet entries: on the one hand there is the default specification (Ex. ordinary), which exists in every handicap record sheet at least once as the initial entry (e.g., when you enter a new person or when setting a new handicap by decision of the handicap committee). This kind of entry also results after editing a person's handicap directly in the person's data window.

On the other hand you have tournament results that are either automatically supplied via the intranet or manually entered using the Comp.-new button; these appear as different entries including date, net difference, tournament name, result and ranking of the player in the tournament. This kind of entry calculates the new handicap using the net difference to the previous handicap. Even after editing the handicap record sheet with belated retroactive entries of results played before the latest entry, the actual handicap will be recalculated correctly.

In countries where the handicap record is performed directly at the Golf Association (for example, in Austria) the manual handicap record processing is not used in PC CADDIE.

Master sheet for a new member

Automatically start the handicap record sheet

As soon as you make a person a member for the first time, a master record entry will be created with the corresponding start date.

The following information window opens:

There is now 1 entry in the master data sheet; all the data marked in gray is only for your information and will not be transferred to the Intranet, as they are no master data entries. Even if a new member now has a handicap of 25,4, because he used to play for you as a GUEST, you should not include this on the master sheet but only take the data from the previous home-club from the INTRANET. Please see the next screenshot.

Particularities: if a Member has another home-club (external member), and want to have the master record in your club, just remove the reference to the the previous home club. The master sheet entry is then automatically set to the current date. (Exception: if the entry date is less than 90 days ago, the first entry in the master data sheet is set to the entry date).

Minimum entry

If you cannot load the handicap record from the intranet, please ensure that you enter at least the default specification (as long as the player has at least the course permit), and check whether the date from the Handicap management is correct.

Load handicap record from Intranet


Requirements for loading the handicap record - only Germany or Switzerland:

  • This functionality can only be applied within Germany or Switzerland, i.e. both the previous club and the new club must be either within Germany or within Switzerland. This feature cannot be used across borders, because it is not part of the international interface. The handicap records are organized differently in individual countries.
  • For a new member, the data of the last card of the former club must be known (club number, membership number, service number - known as PIN in Switzerland). This is necessary for privacy reasons. The player allows the new club access to this data by loading the handicap record.
  • A handicap record can be loaded from the club’s Intranet 18 months after the exit of the member (DGV or ASG).

For new members who were previously in another DGV / ASG affiliated golf club, there is the possibility to load the handicap record for the duration of one year after the member quit his old club (for privacy reasons) from the intranet. To do this, click on the Intranet button on the Handicap record of the new member, from the right of the window.

This opens the following window:

If you need the data from the latest card of the member, set the check-mark on the „Load the master sheet from the Intranet for…“, fill-in the field Homeclub, Member number and Service number, (Pin number) in the lower part of the window and start the download with OK.
PC CADDIE „remembers“ the entered data (from 2016) if you want to repeat the process.

If all prerequisites have been met, the master sheet entries are now loaded and then displayed. If the data is not loaded correctly for the corresponding member, you can cancel the process.
(If you confirm with OK, the data will be transferred. By default, all local data will be deleted - this is how it should be, because the master record downloaded from the Intranet is the correct and up-to-date one. If you have any doubts in individual cases you should cancel and contact the support).

If you confirm, the master sheet entries downloaded from the Intranet apply. The last entry contains the information about club changes, referring to the club from which the data was loaded (previous club number, membership number and service number).

Please check if the last entry in the master sheet is now the „club change“! In some cases, manual follow-up changes may be necessary!

The following options for master data processing are also available:

Additional handicap record processing

Select directly in the player's handicap sheet:

Comp.-new - Record results

Record external result

Only use this feature if a result cannot be imported via Intranet, for example, a result played in a country that is not connected to the Intranet system. After clicking on Comp.-new the following window appears:

Select „International result“ and you can record the required data of an external competition.

If you select “National”, please provide a place. You can then either enter the net Stableford points or import the individual results together with the complete course data and calculate the points the individual results: New club data

The first three fields are important: for a valid entry in the handicap record sheet it is enough to fill in Stableford-Net-Result, Competition date and Competition name or notice. Of course the setting for Handicap-qualifying has to be correct. Please fill-in all other fields as far as the information is available, especially Par, Slope and CR must also be filled-in order for the results to be considered for a Handicap Review (AHR).

The result type can be changed in the upper section:

While calculating, PC CADDIE assumes that net-results between „13“ and „50“ were scored playing stableford. For results up to „12“, after confirming the entry with OK, you will get another prompt asking if the results were scored playing stableford or gross. :!: Results from „51“ upwards are calculated as gross results. Here it is mandatory to enter the calculated net-stableford-points separately. Important is - as already mentioned - the setting for Handicap-qualifying. There are a number of possibilities.

On the subject of handicap-effective EDS - private rounds, please read here: Extra Day Score

Not handicap effective entries („No“) are displayed in grey with bracketed net-difference-results:

Serial recording

If you go straight to the next person after entering a result in a handicap record sheet, the entries for Competition date, Competition name and for the Course information will remain. This enables you to record results of an external competition for several members one after another with little time and effort.

Quick change

By changing the handicap of a person in the person's data window you create an extra ordinary entry. These entries are distinguished with the remark “change”. This function should be used not only with guests (if the guest cannot be queried via the intranet). Always provide results or the extra ordinary entry for a member. A simple change is not considered an official handicap record entry, and is therefore not transmitted to the intranet.

Register extra day score results

EDS results for guests will only be sent automatically within your own country!

EDS result over 18 holes

Before you can register an extra day score (EDS) result, you need to have printed an EDS score card. An entry in the handicap record is automatically created when printing an EDS score card.

When the player brings back his EDS score card, you can register the result following these steps: open the player’s handicap record sheet, select the EDS entry and click change or simply double-click on the entry:

The values of the course data are already filled, according to the course data you had chosen when printing the scorecard. Click Enter score hole by hole and calculate (F7) in the lower part of the window. Now check the course information and confirm with Continue.. The entry window will open, and you can record the strokes for every single hole. Confirm your entries with Continue. Then confirm the information and qualifying with OK, if everything is correct.

Click on Enter score hole by hole and calculate (F7) to record the strokes for each hole.
Here you can see the place data again. After selecting the correct course information, click Continue to get to the input window:

Enter the results hole by hole
From 2016: You can read the result afterwards: Please note the settings for this when entering the tournament results: Settings for reading aloud.
Likewise, penalties for the whole round can be entered here, if necessary. Penalties cannot be read aloud!
Close the window by pressing the Continue button:

Confirm this preset window with OK.

EDS result over 9 holes

Register the results the same way as for 18 holes. You can also consult Enter EDS results, if needed.

We would like to point out some characteristics of the 9 hole results. An entry in the record sheet for the calculation of 9 holes is automatically created when you print an EDS score card for a round of 9 holes.

Ensure that the field „handicap-qualifying“ is activated for „9 hole EDS“ when you edit the record sheet entry. This is important in order to ensure the correct calculation.

Continue as before until you get to the following window:

Even if you have chosen a course called „Holes 10-18“, the results are entered for holes 1-9!

EDS results for guests

If you printed an EDS scorecard for a guest:

You can enter the results for guests in the Handicap protocol. The fastest way to find the protocol for guests (as well as for members) is via Handicaps/Edit handicap record and select the guest. Pressing OK automatically opens the protocol. Press Change to enter the results. The transfer to the intranet will be automatically suggested.

Or you can open the guest's personal data record and click on the button HCP Special and Edit handicap record sheet to open the protocol.

EDS cancellation for guests

If you have already entered the results and sent them to the intranet, you only have the option of changing or correcting the results and sending them again. Just repeat the steps described above.
Only before (or without) uploading the results to the Intranet can you locally cancel them.

Read aloud the EDS result

You can use the read aloud functionality to check the entries you've made. The Language can be set when entering the results.

Sending EDS results to the Intranet

After entering the results for guests, the system automatically suggests to send the results to the intranet. This is similar to sending the result of a tournament to the home club.

It is possible to print the EDS result for the player immediately after entering them:

Follow this link for an example of EDS results print-out.

EDS abandonment due to storm

In case of abandonment due to storm simply set the result type to Tournament canceled. There will be no changes to the handicap. If the player has achieved more than 36 stableford points before the game was interrupted, enter the results as usual.

Not returned EDS score card

  • If a score card is not returned and no valid reason is presented, the result will count as NO RETURN WITH HANDICAP. The handicap will increase after 24 hours as no better result exists.
  • If a Player DID NOT SHOW UP for an EDS round, you should cancel the EDS entry enter

EDS and tournament on the same day

A table with the allowed combinations can be found under Tournament information (from 2016).

If you enter the results for a 9-holes EDS in the morning, and attempt to enter the results for a 9-holes competitions for the same player on the same course, the following window opens before the player is switched to DQV (disqualification handicap effective).

Change - Edit entry

Click Change (F7) to change an entry after it has been recorded. After every change in a handicap record sheet the playing and exact handicap will be recalculated and the record sheet will be resorted, if necessary. If you change the date or the net worth points, a second „Changed“ is created in the root entry sheet, colored in gray. This entry is no longer calculated, it is simply there to allow tracing the changes.

Cancellation - Cancellation of an entry

You can cancel an entry make by mistake, for example if you accidentally made a tournament entry at the wrong person. Clicking on „Cancellation“ (F5) will cancel the marked handicap record entry after an additional confirmation. The entry remains visible in the handicap record marked with gray. But it will no longer contribute to the handicap calculation.

Undo a cancellation

If you have cancelled an entry by accident you can reactivate it by selecting the gray entry and clicking on „Cancellation“ once again. Then click on „Yes, reactivate“!

Inter-yearly review of the handicap

This applies to handicap classes 1 to 5 in Switzerland
This applies only to handicap class 5 in Germany


If you open the master sheet of a player in Handicap class 5, (or 1 to 5 in Switzerland), you will see he button Review on the right side of the window.
This button only appears if the player currently has a handicap class 5 (26.5 to 36.0).
(The following screenshots are only explanatory, their content does not match!)

The following window shows the results of a review:

The evaluated played rounds are listed together with the results in the tab Rounds:

You can apply the changes or just save what has been „reviewed“ without changes by pressing Save. Depending on the result of the review, you have the following options:

The review is stored in the master sheet:

Review only once every 6 months

A review of a class 5 handicap is only allowed once every 6 months.
When attempting to perform a review, the following message appears if the time since the last review is too short:

Condition not met for review

If there are less than 4 new results since the last review, you will receive a message when you start the review for a player with class 5 handicap.

You will also receive a message if there are less than 8 results for the first check.

If no adjustments are needed, a message will appear as soon as you want to save the results of the review. The following screenshot presents an example:

Printing - print record sheet of selected person

Click Print (F8) and you can print the handicap record sheet of the selected person. You can chose the printout's characteristics in the following window:

First of all, you can select what you want to be additionally printed: the Header of your club (with the name of club), the Sender or Address. The settings for the sender are usually already made, and can be adjusted under Settings / Application settings / Club address, on the Intranet account (mostly CLUB). You can find more details here: Connect to Intranet and on „Enter your club information“.

Furthermore you can set the Date as of when the record sheet print should start. For example, if a member only wants the handicap changes of last season.

Another option is to leave the date blank, and instead to set the Maximum number of lines you enter the amount of record entries that should be printed. This is how you avoid printing a record sheet of an eager player that would result in several pages. Enter a number such as „10“ and the most recent ten entries of the record sheet will be printed.

Record sheet since 2016 - Germany

Since 01.04.2016 there is a new layout for the record sheet, without the CBA column. External CBA result will not be included in Germany according to the rules.

Record sheet since 2016 - Switzerland

Since 01.04.2016 there is a new layout for the record sheet, f.e. ND and SGD of the single rounds will be included. Those details will be part of the AHR (Annual handicap Review). Here an example:

Layout of handicap record sheet since 2012

There is a new DGV (German golf association) layout for the handicap record sheet since 2012. Results scored since 2012 will be displayed as shown in the next screenshot. If a handicap is „active“ it will say so on the record sheet. Both CBA and buffer zones will be listed. If the buffer zone is in brackets it means the CBA does not equal ZERO and the buffer zone has been adjusted according to the value of the CBA. If a player has a club handicap (37 - 54), the buffer zone will not be printed. There is no CBA calculated or printed for the 9 hole tournaments.

Automatic print of handicap record sheet after HCP change

Activate the print function Automatic printout after HCP changes if you want to get an automatic prompt to print a record sheet after every change.

Edit Slope Rating values

Use the button Edit Slope Rating (F7) to edit the HCP table. More details on this topic can be found under Course Rating Table.

Account area

The menu item Account area shows you the account area to which PC CADDIE switches automatically when printing a record sheet. This is always the account area which has been set for the Intranet. Please consult with PC CADDIE Support if you want to change this.

Select another person - edit person

Simply click the top right button to select another person if you want to select another person or to edit it. You can also also use the keyboard - just press F9. The arrow buttons ← and → let you alphabetically browse through the persons.

Click on the magnifier symbol to jump straight to the person's input window where you can perform several operations like change the name or check the address.

Special features for Germany

Ex. entry – Course permission

If a member does not have a handicap, and you select Ex. entry the following window will appear. Choose accordingly.

Ex. entry - new extra ordinary entry

The button Enter course permission allows you to enter the Permission.

This is entered in the members' master sheets after confirmation

Alteration of Handicap - Enter Ega-handicap

Pressing Change and then Enter handicap in the mask of the master sheet, the handicap of a person is redefined for a specific time. Examples of this would be a definition of the game handicap committee.

Fill-in the Date of change, and the new master sheet fields. An explanation is not provided by the golf associations.

This feature should only be used when needed. Any handicap changes resulting from a tournament should always be entered through a tournament entry. For subsequently added entries, all following master sheet entries are automatically recalculated and adjusted.

Kids golf award

The administration of the kids golf award works the same way the extraordinary entry does: it applies for kids (age groups 1 or 2) that perform as members and have no course qualification or handicap. By clicking on the button Ex. Entry the following window will appear, asking you for the type of kids golf awards (gold, silver, bronze)

By confirming one of the options with OK this entry is easily done. If necessary, you can choose the first option and give kids permission to play on the course or a first handicap.

Example: Entry for Bronze:

Combinations of EDS and tournament on the same day

Special features for Switzerland

Achieving first handicap over 9 holes

  • If a player scores 36 stableford points (18 played + 18 stableford points added) or better over 9 holes, he will get his first handicap.
  • The handicap card can be achieved by players with a playing permit scoring their first handicap. The player needs to score 18 stableford points over 9 holes.
  • (This rule applied until 2016): Adolescents under the age of 12 have to hand in 3 cards over 9 holes scoring 18 stableford points or better. After that, they will get the handicap of the best card.

First obtainment of an EGA handicap

In order to receive an EGA handicap, a player must have at least one Stableford result (EDS or bet game) over 9 or 18 holes.
EGA Handicap System for Switzerland

Determination of the handicap

If a member does not yet have a handicap, and you choose „Fix“, then the following query comes. Choose accordingly.

Enter course permission

Press Course permission to enter the permission.

this is recorded in the master sheet of the members, after confirmation:

Ex. entry

There is no default selection in Switzerland. Here, instead, you have the opportunity to supplement an explanatory text.

Special features for Austria

EDS results

An EDS result is added directly by the club admins to GOLF.AT

Loading handicap record sheet from GOLF.AT

To update the handicap of one of your members, open his handicap record sheet:

You can load the current record sheet from the ÖGV server using the button GOLF.AT.

This can also be done globally for all members using the function Import all record sheets from

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