

Ordering Membership Cards (Swiss Golf)


Please consider the following before ordering the Golf Swiss card:

  • Am I the legal and authorized representative of the club and do I have the right to order Swiss Golf cards?
  • For what group of people do I want to order the cards?
  • Should the external members also receive an identity card?
  • Are the annual update and the HCP-settings for 2016 done? (important starting with 01.012.2016).

Basic preparation for the annual order


First of all, write the leaving date for all the persons who will leave or have already left:

:!: Please note that the type of membership should not be changed. The leaving date suffices to identify a person as a non-member.

New entries

Edit all new entries - if known - with start date and future member characteristics in PC CADDIE:

External members

Enter the record sheet for the following year from the home club for all the external members. For more information about external members see Chapter Entering an external member.

Functions within the club

Verify that the current position is entered for all the club directors: you can find this information at Address.

Only two functions are marked in Switzerland on the ID cards: President and Captain. The other functions will not be printed on the cards. Juniors are designated with „Junior“.

Cards for juniors

JUNIOR is automatically listed on the card for juniors who are identified according Swiss Golf regulations. Starting with the 2016 annual update, this group of people includes adolescents under 18 years (update 1.12.2015!!)


If you would like not to order the card for a person, you can disable the field Order a normal card for this person, after clicking the Swiss Golf-Card button in the person’s mask. Normally, you don’t need to change anything in the mask.

Check the basic settings

You can check in your basic settings how many days in advance PC CADDIE detects your new members and no longer considers your resignations. To do this, go to Setup/Program Options/ Options:

The decisive factor is the number of days in Start turn of the year:

;-) Here's an example: you want to order all statements for the following year on December 4: December 4 + 31 days → January 4.

PC CADDIE already recognize on December 4 the new members, who have an entry date until the 4th of January of the following year and places them into the group „All Members“. In addition, all resignations with a leave date until the 4th of January of the following year are no longer listed in the „All Members“ list.

Setting the annual initial order

Choose Persons/Order Membership Card from the main menu (PC CADDIE will automatically switch to the CLUB account).

This dialog allows you to set the form in which the card data is to be created.

Layout (Edit...)

Click on the Edit button to open the settings for the Membership card file.

The current content was made based on your specifications (in the main menu under Settings/Program Options/Club Address, banking Details, in the account area CLUB).

:!: Please check this information very carefully:

Disk drive The path is usually set on „C: \“ .. You should not care about this for ordering via Intranet , but you need to remember this location if you want to create a file and send it via e-mail or on a CD.
Swiss Golf Club number Please verify that Your Swiss Golf club number is here. This will be printed on the card.
Club name Please verify that Your club name is here. This will be printed on the card on row 1 and row 2, if applicable. Please make sure that the line splitting makes sense. A shorter club name can be entered on the first row, and the second line can be left blank. In this case you can enter here the street name or the name of the club's president.
Address Please verify that Your postcode and city are here. These will also be printed on the card. Please click on the button if the club name and address are not correct. You can change your details in the next window. Close the window again by pressing the OK button once you have made your changes.
Distribution year PC CADDIE will automatically enter next year if you place the order in in November or December. The current year remain if you place the order earlier. Please make sure that the correct number has been entered, the specified year will be printed on the card.
Regionality This field is only activated for Germany.

Press OK after you checked all the details. You will return to the window „Order membership card“.

Persons group

You can usually leave „All persons“ here, because PC CADDIE already recognizes the member status of the persons which are issued a pass. From this reason, we recommend that you create your own filters only in exceptional cases.


You can now set the order in which the card file is to be created. Opening the drop-down list allows you to select the desired order. The cards are then delivered in this order on you. Therefore, it makes sense to order them „Alphabetically (by name)“, or „By postcode“.

:!: There is a „sorting function“ for the identity cards as part of the Intranet Information System (IIS). By default, the sorting is done „Alphabetically“. So if you want a different ordering criterion you have to change it in IIS, otherwise you will receive the cards in alphabetical order even if you have chosen „By postcode“ in PC CADDIE.


Please make sure that the option All members according to person group is enabled before placing the order.

The button Selection… allows you to register the date of the last order for every person. This function dates back to earlier times; the order (date) is now automatically entered for each person when receiving the acknowledgement from the Intranet.

You can remove the selection for all the persons for the next ordering using the button Delete special order markings for all.

Create the intranet order records

You can start the cards' ordering process after you have checked all the settings. To do this, follow the next 3 steps to create the intranet order records. Don't worry, the order is actually placed only in step 3. You can still check the data, and if necessary cancel and delete it during all these steps.

1 – Export

Start the first step towards the card order by clicking on the button .

Confirm with Start export.

You will see under the button the number of persons for which the export was made, after the export is completed.

Id cards only for members with full playing rights

You will receive information regarding for which members you cannot order passes directly at the time of entering the data; these members have only limited playing rights or no playing rights at all.

2 – Check

You can check the content of the card file during the second step. Just click on the button .

The location of the file is displayed in the following dialog. You can usually go directly to that location using the Print button (F8).

Printing the file will allow you to better check its content.

:!: You can check the print-out, possibly using random checking…

  • …the club name and location are distributed correctly and neatly on the lines,
  • …the sequence number matches your members number (No.),
  • …the issue year is correct (Year),
  • …the names appear accurate and complete; for example, titles (Name),
  • …the functions are up to date (Function)
  • …the handicap input (HCP) is correct,
  • …the Swiss Golf and the membership number are correct. (Any overlap between the numbers is due to the set font size, and is not relevant for the actual order.)

You can proceed to step 3 if all information is correct. Otherwise, please correct the data as described earlier, and then begin again with 1 - Export.

3 – Order

Start the ordering process with Step 3, and click on the button :

The same dialog as in Step 2 – Check appears. The difference lies in the additional activation of the option Create intranet order records and the existence of the Order button (as opposed to the button Check for the second step). Confirm your selections by pressing the button Order.

Here you have the possibility to specify an additional email address where the information regarding the status of the card order should be sent.

:!: If you have not printed out the list at Step 2, you will be notified that the intranet order can be activated only after the list has been printed. To do so, return to Step 2 and repeat the process.

The following window opens after you confirm the order:

Read the statement policy, check the box confirming that you understood the information, and press the Start button from the top-right of the window to confirm it. The printer selection window will be displayed, and you can see the list on the screen or print it.

Now check the result of your work:

;-) Correct:

An intranet-order record was created for each person if the inputs were correct. Each entry is followed by the notation „OK+B“.

:!: Incorrect:

If a person's country code or the Swiss Club number are incorrect, no order record is created for that person. This will be marked with „ERROR“:


Check the personal record in question and correct the membership number or the Swiss Golf Club number. Begin the card ordering process again with Step 1 - Export. Please contact the PC CADDIE Support in case you have too many „ERROR“ entries:

:!: The Intranet clean-up should not be started in case major corrections are necessary. It is best to delete the generated records by clicking 3 - Order and then the button Delete intranet order records (F5). Close the dialog with Cancel. If the intranet transmission has been activated, you can see for which members no order has been triggered in the print-outs (see: „ERROR“).

You can make a new order only for these individuals after the correction of personal data. Please inform immediately the Swiss Golf Intranet support about the fact that a new order will follow, complementing the initial one, to ensure that no extra costs arise.

Shipping and receipt

The following window opens after printing the list under Step 3:

Here you can choose whether the data should be sent immediately or only during the next intranet balance.

The tab Receipt from the information window presents a record of each ordered card, after a successful order:

For further inquiries you can also contact the company Intercard AG:

  • Intercard AG
    Production center
    Mr. T. Zelenika or Mr. S. Baumann
    Schützenstrasse 19
    8902 Urdorf
    Phone: 043 455 75 55
    Fax: 043 455 75 50

Recording the card order in the CRM/DMS

If you are using the module CRM\DMS, you can record the order for each person using the button Note:

The best way to do this is to choose „Card order“ from the list, and if necessary, type in additional information or attach another document to the memo. Start the process by pressing Note after providing this information.

Check the ordering in IIS

Pressing the button Check the ordering in IIS (after transmission) (F6) brings you to the Intranet Information System (IIS). This allows you to track the status of your card(s) order.

Reordering cards

The process of reordering is similar with the one described above. You have to click on the button Swiss Golf-Card from a person's mask and activate the option Mark this person for the next reordering. The reorders are done in the same way: just select this option in the person mask of the person concerned.

After activating this option you will see a star in front of the Swiss Golf card.

If you want now to order the cards, you have to choose the option Only marked persons for ordering; the rest of the process remains unchanged.

Individual card name

This option is not available in Germany. A custom name for the card order can be specified in Switzerland and Austria: see Function(Club).

en/personen/ausweisebestellen/ausweisebestellen/ausweisebestellen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/08/26 14:08 von emilia
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