


Dear PC CADDIE customers,
Dear interested parties and handbook readers,

We want to warmly welcome you to our PC CADDIE Online-Documentation. We are delighted to be able to constantly provide you with online information. The following presents some instructions on how to use the PC CADDIE manual.

Benedikt Schmedding
and the entire PC CADDIE Team

is looking forward to your feedback!

General information

The manual is currently available in German, and the documentation is still under development and continuously supplemented. The French translation is constantly expanding.

Furthermore, the manual is structured in 3 areas (see the navigation tab on the left side):

  1. PC CADDIE DodumentationHere you can find the documentation of the entire PC CADDIE AG product range.
  2. PC CADDIE://onlineHere you can find the documentation of the entire PC CADDIE://online GmbH & Co. KG product range.
  3. PC CADDIE intern → This is an internal area, exclusively available for the PC CADDIE employees with login details.

The Navigation is designed in such a way to match the PC CADDIE menus. That is, if you are looking for example for Persons list, you will find this entry in both PC CADDIE and PC CADDIE documentation under Persons/Persons list. All content marked with the plus sign (+) has further sub-points.


Most themes have a Table of content where you can click on individual sub-topics. Press the Home key on the top-right of your keyboard to return to the top of the page.

Search function

Use the search function: input the key-words, confirm with Enter and search specifically for what you are interested in.

HINT: You can use the asterisk „*“ to obtain more search results. this means, for example, that searching for Ball machine* will return not only the pages containing the words Ball machine, but also the ones containing ball machines. Searching only for Ball machine (without the asterisk) will not return any page containing the words Ball machines.

If you also want to see the pages containing Ball-machine, you should enter Ball machine* or Ball-machine* in the search field.

The asterisk can also be used in front of the key-word; for example searching for *machine* will return pages containing ball machine, vending machine, machine parameter or simply machine (both singular and plural).

An extensive description of the search possibilities can be found here: englisch.

HINT: If you only want to search for a word on the current page, you can do this using the key combination Ctrl+F - depending on the browser.

Country-specific content

Country-specific content is accompanied by the following images:


Text labeling

:!: Attention, important things must be observed!
:?: This marks questions that you may ask yourself.
;-) Practical examples, tricks and useful information are provided with a smiley face.
HINT The HINTs are clearly marked.
PIN An abbreviation underlined with a dotted line means you can read the declaration by moving your mouse over the abbreviation (PIN - Personal Identification Number).
Welcome! Internal links are always marked in green. Clicking on the link will bring you directly to that content.


You can easily print individual contentby clicking on the Export pdf on the top-right of the corresponding area.

You can also use the Print button, which triggers the printing process directly from your browser.

PC CADDIE contact

Feedback, questions, comments, suggestions for improvements? We look forward to your e-mail to in 2;o@ 2;

AddressPC CADDIE Service GmbH
Marktstrasse 45-47
53424 Remagen
Bachtelweg 3
6048 Horw
Phone+49 2642 9854110 +41 41 5110600
Fax+49 2642 9854699+41 41 5110699
emailsu 2; 2;ort@ 2;, in 2;o@ 2;
Company Board of Directors:
Benedikt Schmedding (Chairman)
Marc Spangenberger

VAT No. CHE-105.347.983 HR/MWST
VAT No. DE 813580086
SupportOur support is available daily, at the following times:
April-October: 9.00am - 8.00pm
November-March: 9.00am - 6.00pm
en/sonstigefunktion/information/information.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/10/20 13:27 von emilia
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