

Subscription list

Print the current status of your subscription green fees, trolleys, carts or -SPAs with PC CADDIE. You can create subscription articles only in a cash account area. Find out how to create subscription articles here.

Enter the menu item Accounts/Print…/Abo-List. Here you have to make the following settings: first, select the subscription article (1) and the time-frame (2), and then press Print. If you leave the of field empty, the entire history of the subscription item will be displayed, from the time of sale.

Then you get a list like the following:

On the sample printout you can see that Axel Heck has already used 3 out of 30 purchased green fees and still can play 27 rounds.

The print-out from 19.11.10 shows that 29 subscription green fees were used out of a total of 120. 91 can still be redeemed.

en/umsaetze/drucken/aboliste.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021/08/25 17:36 von msp
  • Keine Schlagworte vergeben
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