

Tournaments/Events with PC CADDIE://online

General information

If you are interested in placing your tournaments and events on your own homepage, please let PC CADDIE create an offer for the TOURNAMENT-ONLINE module . Your events will then also be transferred to GOLF.AT at the same time.

If you only want to manage your events withTOURNAMENT-ONLINE on your own homepage, please let us know. We will then set up your PC CADDIE so that they are only transferred to your website. Your decision is what matters here.

The documentation for TOURNAMENT-ONLINE can be found here:


In the screenshots, the documentation has the button instead of the usual .
The functionality is the same, and we have therefore refrained from completely re-creating the documentation a second time.

Post tournaments/events on the website

You can find important editing tips here:

Place events on the website

:!: Additions to the link above

  • If you do not fill in the registration limits field, no one can register online. So you could only put an event on the homepage for information if you leave the registration limits empty.
  • If you want to activate the online registration, you have to fill in the registration limits and number of players; particularly important, the total number of golfers and the number for internet registration.
  • If you don’t want to put an event online at all, make the settings to “post nothing”. See the following screenshot:

Send tournament completion and results to GOLF.AT:
Closing a tournament.

en/wettspiele/oegv/turnierepcco/turnierepcco.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/06/22 10:14 von msp
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