

Annual Eclectic

To create an eclectic score over several tournaments, select Competitions/Multiple tournaments, Golf Weeks/Print…/Yearly Eclectic:

You can create an annual eclectic only for SINGLE tournaments.
Eclectic is usually evaluated over 18 holes; if you only want to evaluate 9 hole competitions, we recommend using Blind Hole, to make it clear that no results are missing.

All tournaments that are chosen for the eclectic must be played on the same course. This is important because there are facilities that have several courses. Bear in mind that a score doesn't make any sense if the match is played on different courses, for example, hole 16 is par 3 on one course and par 5 on the other. Also bear in mind that individual tees often have another par for specific holes.
Also, 9-hole tournaments that were played in the Course information for tees 10 to 18 cannot be counted at the same time (also because of the different par values), these would influence the score of holes 1 to 9, which is not desired.
At the top of the eclectic score's print-out you can see for which course and with which par the score is calculated.
These considerations are all important. Do you want a comparison under the same conditions?
Or you want different par values to be taken into account in the calculation? Then continue reading: Further options are available from PC CADDIE version 01.09.18. Read =>here

  1. Use the Select (F2) button to define the tournaments that need to be factored for the eclectic.

    Either use the check-mark for selecting the tournaments from the left-side of the window, use the space bar, or use Group selection.
  2. Results lets you select between „Net eclectic by holes“ and „Gross eclectic by holes“.
  3. Choose the Playing form; you have the options: „Stroke play,“ „Stableford,“ „Bogey and Par“ and „Stroke play (only complete).“ If you choose „Stroke play (only complete),“ only the players from previously selected Stableford tournaments who haven't missed a single hole will be displayed. With „Stroke play,“ these players will be displayed with an asterisk because there is a result missing for 1 hole.
  4. If you enter „last round“ in HCP Limit, the handicap from the last played round will be pulled from the eclectic tournament. If you leave the limitempty, the handicap for the respective tournament day will be taken. A date can also be entered, of course.
    Your description gives you the Factor for the calculation of the handicap. Please read the DGV's rules and guidelines as well (Paragraph 3, Match types, assigning and distributing handicaps, Pages 183 and 184, 2012-201 version).
  5. Everything regarding people can be entered under Groups. You can set a Person filter, Only the players from the 1st day of the tournament. You can also decide how many holes must be played.
  6. You can enter the number of players who should be shown on the list under Maximum.

Explanations of the HCP: Deadline and the HCP printed on the list:

  • Which Hcp do I take? If the limit is empty, the printed handicap is the one from the first tournament the player played in.
  • If you don't enter a deadline, every round will be calculated with the Hcp and the rating that the player had on that day. The Hcp that is shown on the list is simply the handicap that the player had during the 1st tournament they played in - but every round is calculated with an individual Hcp, of course.
  • You can also enter „last round“ in the data field, then the handicap from the last played round will be taken.
  • The rating values from the LAST played round are taken on a deadline day, combined with deadline day's handicap, of course, which, again, can be different to the one from the date of the last round.

Then go to Print (F8).


After clicking on Print (F8), the following window appears:

Here, you can enter an individual header that is also saved with the eclectic definition.

If the Hole results as strokes, not stableford points box is checked, Stableford and stroke play matches can be counted in an eclectic.

Confirm the information by clicking OK:

Please make sure that the handicaps in the Hcp column are set according to the Factor. The different pars are marked in italics (underplayed), underlined (overplayed), or normal (Par) accordingly. An example would look as follows:

The different presentation of individual results is a visual indication of particular results, therefore you can see clearly on the stroke play score:

  • Underlined result: over par
  • Normal result: par
  • Italic result: under par

Saving and loading

If several annual eclectics are held in your club, for example, individual eclectics for the women and the men, we recommend that you save each setting under a specific name. You start the saving process with the Save button.

Please save TEXTS in the PC CADDIE main folder on the server, which is suggested by PC CADDIE if nothing else has been entered.

You can re-open the score with Load. If you want to create a new annual eclectic, you can do so with the New button.

Printing the previous results on the scorecard

You can print the previous hole results on the scorecard. To do this, you must first have the Eclectic result list displayed on the screen and then print out the scorecards. PC CADDIE can save the results and will print them as preliminary results on the scorecard. In order for this to work, the scorecard must be configured with the corresponding field.


If you want to score individual holes, simply use Blind Hole and enter the holes.
This function is also recommended for 9-hole competitions!


Suggestion for HCP and game rules for the play-off in an eclectic scoring

If the results are the same, other criteria should be set instead of playing further rounds, for example consider the result of the last 9, 6, 3, 1 holes of the Eclectic minus the prorated handicap (net).

"Different" Stroke play and "different Stableford"

A typical eclectic evaluation normally only makes sense if the evaluation is made with the same course data and with the same PAR values for all players, as described above.
However, since a large number of tee and course data variants have developed over the years, there is now the possibility to create an eclectic evaluation with different par values ​​for the players. This evaluation only makes sense if you only use the values ​​of the tournament days for the calculation without factors and without a key date . The place shown on the top of the list is still the 1st place or tee, even if the differences between the places involved are calculated.

Example for "different Stableford"

The HCP column shows the handicaps for the first tournament played in the series are printed out, but the respective game handicaps are always used. This setting also takes into account different par values ​​for the tees involved; the best Stableford result per hole is then determined.

Example "Different"

For comparison: these are the same competitions as in the example: „Difference Stableford“: The different par values ​​are also taken into account; for the individual holes, however, the difference is printed out to the Stableford points, which would have to be played for the played HCP for the individual holes.. This means that -1 is an underplay of 1 Stableford point, +1 is bogey, 0 is par, etc.

Example of a Jab Anstoetz score

Set the eclectic score as follows:

  • Select the tournament
  • Set „Net eclectic by holes“
  • Leave the HCP Deadline field empty, so that the daily handicap is used for calculating the score.
  • Type „1/1“ in FACTOR

To determine the winner after a tie in the playoffs according to the description from 2012, use the Blind Hole scoring method by simply scoring the most difficult hole, and then the two most difficult holes in case of another tie, and so on…

Example of a //Betty Barclay// LADIES GOLF TOUR

The eclectic score consists of an extra score which is played over three rounds in the indicated period. After the end of the third match day, the overall gross and net winners A, B, and C are determined (deadline for the class division is the last match day). The result of the selection of the eclectic score is calculated as follows: you add the highest amount of Stableford points achieved per hole over several rounds, whereas the lady's daily handicap is taken as a basis. Therefore, per hole only counts the best result from three played holes maximum. Therefore, the overall net winner is the player with the highest amount of Stableford points in their respective class A, B, or C. The overall gross winner is the player with the most gross points.

Enter the eclectic score as follows:

  • Select the tournament
  • Set „Net eclectic by holes“
  • Leave the HCP Deadline field empty, so that the daily handicap is used for calculating the score.
  • Type „1/1“ in FACTOR
  • In the groups, enter the required people for the respective net score (A, B, and C); you must print a separate list for each class. Please make sure that the HCP from the last match day is being used for the division of the net classes. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that this list is only created on this day (before a possible completion of a tournament with handicap) because the person filter could become incorrect at a later time.

Use the Blind Hole scoring method to determine the winner after a tie in the playoffs according to the regulations, by simply scoring the most difficult hole, and then the two most difficult holes in case of another tie, and so on…

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